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William Shatner Passes Kidney Stone To!

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Richard Rowe - CEO Golden PalacePopular Internet Casino & Poker Room Benefiting Habitat For Humanity.

LOS ANGELES, CA, JANUARY 18, 2006 -- Captain's log. Star date: 011806. William Shatner. Has gone. Where no man has gone before. And sold a part of himself. To online casino. For $25,000. To benefit. Habitat for Humanity.

The former Captain of the Enterprise passed a kidney stone at warp speed and beamed it into the waiting hands of The casino paid $25,000 for Shatner?s specimen, the entirety of which will go to Habitat For Humanity to help provide housing for those in need.

Although the kidney stone that broke down Shatner?s shields caused him more discomfort than a Klingon pain stick, the sci-fi/pop-culture icon is more than happy that his calcium offspring fetched such a price.

?When I was contacted about selling my kidney stone to for an original price of $15,000 I turned it down knowing that my tunics from Star Trek have commanded more than $100,000. I offered the stone, stint and string for $25,000 and informed them that 100% of the proceeds would go to benefit Habitat for Humanity and I retain visitation rights?.

?I want to own it,? said Jimmy Kimmel on his November 14th show as he interviewed Shatner about his stone. ?It is the ultimate Star Trek collectible. You know, it?s like a real dilithium crystal?. Unfortunately for Jimmy, transported past all other offers with their 25K.

With more drama than a T.J. Hooker finale, Shatner ended up on a gurney with stirrups. "It was a gurney for pregnant women," said Shatner. "They're wheeling me through the hospital -- my legs are in the stirrups and I'm screaming -- and somebody says, 'Look, there goes Captain Kirk, he's having a baby!' Very, very embarrassing."

?We are very pleased to own this piece of TV history and to be able to help a worthy charity like Habitat For Humanity,? said CEO Richard Rowe. ?We?re excited to have a piece of him that can?t be replicated, and we intend to take it on tour with our other unusual items. We are confident that this will be our most enterprising advertising campaign to date with the Captain on board.?

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Comments on this event
On January 18th, 2006 at 1:14 PM Bob said:

While a little on the creepy side, this is totally cool. And the money going to Habitat For Humanity certainly makes it all worthwhile. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during Shatner's conversation with people over the idea to sell his kidney stone! :)
On January 18th, 2006 at 1:20 PM Chris said:

Well Bill, You've come a long way since living in Toronto on that old rope Matress :-) Welcome to the world of Kidney Stones. Time to get some enzimes into your diet! I've had 8 to 10 of the darned things and my Wife spent a miserable Christmas (this past) because her Doctor told her, "they're too far up ther and they'll never bother you, WRONG!

I'll stay away from them for now. The most recent stone I dealt with, the "Lithotripsey Gypsies" were in town the day after I visited my Urologist and I had it blasted into bits!
(not Kibble and bits) though it felt like it :-(
Good to they can be of some use, Bill! Just wait till Marcie has one or two! IT'S NOT LIKE HAVING A BABY! JUST ASK JOANNE, WHO HAD TWO OF THEM, THIS CHRISTMAS!
On January 18th, 2006 at 2:42 PM Kim Morton said:

Would anyone like mine? I've passed one recently too and would be more than happy to part with it!
On January 18th, 2006 at 3:24 PM Dan said:

Where's the photo? I want to see a picture of the stone like next to a dime or something to I can see how big it is.

What is the Klingon for "pass a kidney stone"?
On January 18th, 2006 at 3:27 PM Yahweh said:

Psalms 118:22
"The stone which the builders rejected is become the chief corner-stone."
On January 18th, 2006 at 4:14 PM Jeff Kunz said:

I had heard that there was to be a naming contest for Shatner's stone, so I wrote in and suggested, The Horta.
Now, Bill should head for the nearest planned parenthood clinic and leave a sample, as I'm sure there would be plenty of alien babes willing to make a purchase for a good cause...
It even inspires a new episode, "The Trouble with Dribbles!"
Big fan by the way, can you tell? Can't wait for the freakshow to hit the road!
On January 18th, 2006 at 4:58 PM blspqueen said:

very disturbing, actually just plain sick
On January 18th, 2006 at 5:52 PM jules said:

im sorry but a kidney stone come on guys get a life for goodness sake wise up big time you're sad people i only came on to see for myself if it was true now i know and im gobsmacked
On January 19th, 2006 at 6:41 AM a elston said:

i agree!!!let us have a look up againest something share a little bit of space with all of us
On January 19th, 2006 at 11:23 AM stone king said:

I passed 19 one day and 18 the next and that was after about 10 two weeks before and that was at christmas I will sell them some are big
On January 19th, 2006 at 11:31 AM GoldenChestGirl said:

That is so Cool!
On January 19th, 2006 at 12:48 PM Big Red said:

How many carats would that be? Maybe a ring or a broach!
On January 19th, 2006 at 2:38 PM rock head said:

I have both kidneys full of them and a pretty big one in the tube that's going to be removed in March. Anyone want to bid on it?
On January 19th, 2006 at 2:40 PM jim said:

scotty I need warp speed and i need it now, dammit jim i am giving it all shes got
On January 19th, 2006 at 4:15 PM Bobby Flay said:

Let's cook that thing up! Bang!
On January 19th, 2006 at 9:19 PM unknown said:

This is the most ridiculous thing i ever heard of
On January 20th, 2006 at 1:23 PM Eric Mattey said:

Good Luck with the stones. I have passed over 100 of them myself and have had 9 surgeries to have them removed and blasted. Do you know that once you have one you have an 85% chance of having another one.... hmmmmm the money possibilities. I have over 100 of them I can sell you at a fraction of the price. They are in a Jar at home.
On January 20th, 2006 at 8:46 PM Lisa said:


You are the best.......Love ya!

On January 20th, 2006 at 8:55 PM Michelle said:

Blast it Jim, I'm a Doctor not an engineer...
On January 22nd, 2006 at 11:19 AM Cass said:

Oh God.

Some freaky Trekkie is going to buy Mr. Rescue 911's kidney stone and scream "MUST BECOME ONE WITH CAPT. JAMES T. KIRK!!!!!" in Klingon before swallowing it.
On January 22nd, 2006 at 12:52 PM MRS H. said:

I took care of the problem with stones by taking 400-500mg "CHELATED Magnesium" two or three times a day.That's because, with all the yogurt, some cheese, and calcium fortified products I take in, there was no doubt a magnesium deficiency was behind them. I don't eat very much in the way of magnesium rich foods. Anyway, works great for the kidney stones and gallstones (yeah, I've had both). When I feel a blocked gall stone causing pain, which I know will get worse minute by minute, I pop 500mg and within half hour to an hour the discomfort goes and I can breathe a sigh of relief. Poor guy. All that fame and not a decent doctor who can tell him how the human body works (like a biochemical nutritionist. Hint,hint)If I remember to drink it I can keep stones in solution, so they never get stuck in ducts and cause all that pain, with natural, unsweetened apple juice.
On January 22nd, 2006 at 2:16 PM scott said:

they said they are taking it on tour? where? i want to see this stuff.
On February 06th, 2006 at 3:46 PM goldengirl1985 said:

Well GPC done it again............ cool to have a piece a star....and make some sort of history, even if it is kidney stones.. That had to of hurt to pass.
On February 07th, 2006 at 7:19 PM What next? said:

So Willie passes a kidney stone and GP buys it...what if he gets really constipated and passes a gigantic "captain's log" - would you buy that too?!
On February 25th, 2006 at 7:21 PM maccamh said:

i think its a good idea to sell it i love star trek but guys its not very useful is it and its earned money for a good cause so i reckon he shud have milked them dry tho lol
On May 05th, 2006 at 8:48 AM Mr. Safety Professional Idiot said:

Yummy.. Ya know, come to think of it.. ol Will was a tough dude and his kidney stones must have been tough.. I wander what would happen if Chuck Norris put his kidney stones up for sale? They would go for a lot of money since Chuck Norris's kidney stones were turned into diamonds from all the round house kicks he gives.

-Mr. Safety
(Golden Palace Comedian)
On June 20th, 2006 at 3:14 PM David said:

It is definitely on tour. I just lucked into seeing the kidney stone along with a few other Golden Palace items here in Austin, TX. Very cool collection.

I have no idea if a tour schedule has been released. The truck happened to be parked behind our office building.

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